Before you click on the buy button, I'm going to tell you about the features of these glasses, I promise you won't take long. For a start, the lenses are 100% UV and water resistant, and the
After this boring paragraph, you can finally go to your basket and pay to have a bit of Miami sent straight to your home with the glasses.
UV protection: 100%
Light transmission: 12%
2.2 mm polycarbonate
Colour through lenses: blue / grey
- Water resistance
- Ultra resistant
- Dual Lens Technologyâ„¢
- Anti-slip parts on temples and nosepiece
- Compatible with corrective lenses
- Fit: medium
- Firmcaseâ„¢ hard spectacle case supplied
- Soft Limpcothâ„¢ glasses case supplied
- Lifetime warranty
Frame width: 150millimeters
Nose opening: 33.5millimeters
Frame height: 60millimeters