Aether Pro 75 Silver Lining
Trekking bag - Unisex -
Atmos Ag 65 Black
Trekking backpack - Men -
For expeditions and trekking, it is incredible important to have a backpack that is comfortable while also supplying you with plenty of space for everything that you need to carry with you. Most large backpacks do have a lot of padding on the hips, back and shoulders, but you must consider the shape of the backpack too – having a backpack which rubs, digs into you or puts you in the wrong posture while walking will be extremely detrimental to your enjoyment of your adventures!
Make sure you get a backpack which suits your back length: check the dimensions of each rucksack – each has a different type of sizing system. E.g. some have small, medium, large, or short, regular, long, whereas others might have actual back lengths, in which case you might have to measure your back. Check the manufacturer’s advice for more information.
We’ve put together a collection of larger packs, perfect for expeditions and longer trips into the wilderness from top brands - Osprey, Millet, Lowe Alpine, deuter and many more.