Thuasne offers a reinforced ankle support for resuming activity after a sprain or ligament trauma.
This compressive knitted ankle brace, which improves proprioception supports and relieves the anklejoints without restricting movement. Its technical properties allow it toadapt to your movements and potential rubbing, so it stays in line with your ankle and gives you optimum support throughout your effort.
Its hydrophobic design wicks away perspiration so you can protect your joints in any situation any physical activity.
Thuasne offers a reinforced ankle support for resuming activity after a sprain or ligament trauma.
This compression knit ankle brace, which improves proprioception this compression knit ankle brace, which improvesproprioception, supports and relieves the anklejoints without impeding movement. Its technical properties allow it toadapt to your movements and potential friction to remain well aligned with your ankle and offer you optimal support throughout your effort.
Its hydrophobic design wicks away perspiration to help protect your joints during any type of activity any physical activity.